New Issues Class on Maui at UHMC in October | Click here for more information and to enroll.

Looking for someone to help you heal?

Meet Intuitive Maui Healer & Healing Catalyst, Denise LaBarre

Known as the “healer’s healer”, Denise offers unique healing experiences and insights for those who work to help and heal others. Her 90-minute Private Sessions on Maui combine massage therapy, psychotherapy, and traditional healing practices for complete body/emotional healing.

Denise LaBarre is the author of Issues in Your Tissues: Heal Body and Emotion from the Inside Out – the book that will catalyze your healing.

Healing Sessions

private sessions - healer on Maui

What Happens in a Private Session?

In a 90-minute, private session with Denise you’ll find inner connection, safety, emotional release, and healing. Explore physical issues, emotional issues, and the transformative area where they interconnect.

Learn how Private Sessions can help you!

How does a Skype Session Work?

How do Remote Sessions Work?

After doing at least one private session with Denise on Maui, you can continue your healing work with her anywhere. Remote sessions help you integrate healing changes into your daily life, help you through a crisis, or provide maintenance for whatever life dishes up.

More about Remote Sessions

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What is a Power Circle Ceremony?

 At the end of your journey with Denise, she offers a ceremony of transformation and closure: the Power Circle Ceremony. You co-create this transformative experience based on what you’ve come through and who you want to become.

Explore the Power Circle process here

For Healing Professionals

Healing Professionals

For Healing Professionals

Are you an alternative healer, chiropractor, DOM, yoga instructor, massage therapist, psychotherapist, or medical doctor? Maybe you’re a lightworker, teacher, social worker, speech pathologist? Whether you are paid for it or not, if your work brings you into contact with human wounding, you need support, resources, and ongoing enrichment. Denise is known as the “Healer’s Healer” and she’s here to help you – both personally, and as a resource for your clients and patients.

Learn how Denise can help you and your practice

Professional Workshops & Public Speaking

Healing Catalyst Professional Workshops can take your healing work to the next level, offering collegial support, and networking opportunities. Choose from Denise’s list or custom-tailor topics for your group.

More about Workshops


Your Healing Journey Continues …

Come take the next steps on your healing journey! Whether this is for yourself, personally, or for your clients, there are healing resources here for you.

Take the Issues in your Tissues Quiz

Explore our Articles for Healing Professionals

About Denise LaBarre

About Denise LaBarre - her biography

About Denise LaBarre

Denise began using her healing gifts at a very young age. She loves to share her tools and insights with colleagues. There’s no competition here. We all have gifts and insights to share with each other. While many healing pros can feel what’s going on, Denise can explain what she feels in clear language that helps clients take healing action. She loves to use metaphors to bypass the mind’s defenses.

Read Denise LaBarre’s Biography


Why this healing work?

When I’m doing this work, I feel connected to something far greater than myself – to Spirit and all that IS.  We all carry undigested emotional energy in our bodies. If not addressed, over time it becomes dis-ease and illness. I work in the energetic connection zone between the body and its emotions. I am a mirror who can reflect back to you that you are beautiful, powerful, and worthy of love.

Read Denise’s Passion Statement

Maui Healer - What Is Healing Catalyst?

What is a Healing Catalyst?

A catalyst makes connections that wouldn’t otherwise happen.  I don’t do the healing, that’s up to you and the Divine. But I help you make healing connections you wouldn’t otherwise make, and we do it expediently. I work with other healers, sensitives and people who are ready to transform…

More about Healing Catalyst

Maui Healer - your portal to Healing Catalyst, Denise LaBarre

Buy your personal copy / Sell copies in your healing office waiting room!

An effective resource for yourself, and for your clients

Find the causes of persistent and unexplained pain.

Learn to breathe easily and fully throughout your day.

Alleviate stress and the physical problems it can cause.

Find out what your body is telling you through pain and other symptoms.

Get out of your head and feel younger, more alive and relaxed in your body.

Release stuck emotional energy that has been causing your symptoms: tension, pain, and dis-ease – and heal completely.

Its Stories, Cartoons, Exercise catalyze healing. This approach to deep, permanent healing is playful, direct, and effective!

The book is a useful resource to use with your clients. It will save you time explaining deep breathing and other self-healing principles to your clients.

Contact Denise to buy copies to sell in your healing office. The book makes great waiting room reading.


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What is a Healing Catalyst?

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